Trump 'Clarifies' Putin Comment. I Say There Is Nothing To Clarify

President Donald Trump with reporters aboard Air Force One

DW: Donald Trump backtracks on Russia election meddling defense

US President Trump has said he backs the conclusion of intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Trump tried to distance himself from remarks suggesting he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After suggesting he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin's denial of Moscow meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, US President Donald Trump attempted to clarify the comments on Sunday.

"I believe that he feels that he and Russia did not meddle in the election," Trump said referencing Putin at a news conference with Vietnam's president in Hanoi. "As to whether I believe it, I'm with our agencies."

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WNU Editor: He should not be back-tracking at all. After all the headlines yesterday .... including a post put up this blog .... Should President Trump Believe Russian President Putin's Assurances That Russia Did Not Interfere In The U.S. Election? (November 11, 2017), I decided to go back at look at the transcript on what did President Trump exactly say. This is what I found (from Politico) ....

.... Q How did you bring up the issue of election meddling? Did you ask him a question?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: He just -- every time he sees me, he says, "I didn't do that." And I believe -- I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says, "I didn't do that." I think he's very insulted by it, if you want to know the truth.

President Trump never said that he trusts Putin's denials of election meddling (as reported yesterday by the wire services). His remarks are very clear .... President Trump is remarking that Putin believes very strongly that Russia dd not interfere .... not what he (i.e. President Trump) believes in. But if you look at all the headlines yesterday, the story-line was different .... they are/were saying that President Trump had accepted President Putin's denials. And as for the intelligence community's assessment on Russia interfering in the U.S. Presidential election, this is what President Trump actually said ....

.... PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think that he is very, very strong in the fact that he didn't do it. And then you look, and you look at what's going on with Podesta, and you look at what's going on with the server from the DNC and why didn't the FBI take it, why did they leave it; why did a third party look at the server and not the FBI -- if you look at all of this stuff, and you say, what's going on here?

And then you hear it's 17 agencies. Well, it's three. And one is Brennan and one is whatever. I mean, give me a break. They're political hacks.

So you look at it -- I mean, you have Brennan, you have Clapper, and you have Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he's proven to be a leaker.

So you look at that, and you have President Putin very strongly, vehemently says he had nothing to do with that. Now, you're not going to get into an argument. You're going to start talking about Syria and the Ukraine.

President Trump's focus is on the Clapper, Brennan, and Comey .... and in President Trump's view they are corrupt officials pursuing a political agenda. His focus was not on the intel community's assessment on Russian interference .... his focus was on these men.

What peeves me off right now is that even I fell for the mainstream media narrative. What I posted yesterday was wrong .... I accepted carte blanche what the New York Times, Washington Post, AP, Reuters, etc. were saying .... while what President Trump did say was different. Sighhh .... with each passing day I am beginning to feel more and more that I am living in the old Soviet Union where the news media was just an instrument to push a political agenda. They either ignore stories, or they put their own spin on what a person is saying without putting any context on why he or she may have said. Fake news? Definitely.

Not surprising .... this is the news story line today .... President Trump is back-tracking on his remarks from yesterday (remarks that were never made) ....

Trump believes differing Putin and U.S. intelligence agencies on Russian election meddling -- National Post/AP
Trump flip flops and now says he backs CIA claims that Russia meddled with the election - after insisting he was convinced by Putin's denials -- Daily Mail
Donald Trump backtracks on Putin comments, says he agrees Russia meddled in election -- ABC Online
Ex-intelligence chiefs: Trump is being played by Putin and US is in 'peril' -- The Guardian

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