FOX News: Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe
EXCLUSIVE – Two senior Justice Department officials have confirmed to Fox News that the department's Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter Strzok, a former deputy director for counterintelligence at the FBI who was removed from the staff of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III earlier this year, after Mueller learned that Strzok had exchanged anti-Trump texts with a colleague.
A source close to the matter said the OIG probe, which will examine Strzok's roles in a number of other politically sensitive cases, should be completed by "very early next year."
The task will be exceedingly complex, given Strzok's consequential portfolio. He participated in the FBI's fateful interview with Hillary Clinton on July 2, 2016 – just days before then-FBI Director James Comey announced he was declining to recommend prosecution of Mrs. Clinton in connection with her use, as secretary of state, of a private email server.
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WNU Editor: If President Trump's tweets this morning are any indication .... he is clearly upset that the FBI agent responsible for the Clinton email probe may have been politically biased. It is also now being reported that he was the FBI agent who interviewed Hillary Clinton over her use of a private server .... but kept no record or transcript of the meeting. Interestingly .... a few days after this "interview", then-FBI Director James Comey announced he was declining to recommend prosecution of Mrs. Clinton in connection with her use, as secretary of state, of a private email server. What's my take .... now knowing the context on how these decisions were made .... there is a problem here. The FBI has to be beyond partisanship .... or even the appearance of partisanship .... especially when it comes to politicians and senior government officials. One only has to look at the contrast on how Special Counsel Robert Mueller is handling his investigation of the Trump administration .... Inside the secretive nerve center of the Mueller investigation (Washington Post), to how FBI agent Peter Strzok and the FBI Director Comey handled theirs. The IG is now saying that their review of FBI agent Peter Strzok will be completed early next year .... I suggest that they better speed up that report, and explain very clearly why was he removed from the Mueller team, and why did he conduct his investigation of Hillary Clinton in the manner that he did.