New York Times: U.S. Vetoes U.N. Resolution Condemning Move on Jerusalem
The United States on Monday blocked a Security Council resolution demanding that the Trump administration rescind its Dec. 6 decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to eventually move the American Embassy there.
Although the United States used its veto power as a permanent member of the Security Council to block the resolution, the council’s vote, 14 to 1, punctuated the American isolation over a central issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Ambassador Nikki R. Haley of the United States chastised her fellow council members after the midday vote, arguing that President Trump’s decision two weeks ago was a “U.S. recognition of the obvious.”
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More News On The U.S. Veto Blocking The U.N. Resolution Against President Trump's Jerusalem Decision
The Latest: Palestinian official denounces US Jerusalem veto -- Washington Post/AP
US vetoes UN resolution against Trump's Jerusalem decision -- ABC News/AP
US vetoes UN resolution rejecting Trump's Jerusalem decision -- AFP
US vetoes UN vote demanding it reverse decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital -- The Independent
Palestinians to call for emergency meeting of U.N. General Assembly -- Reuters