Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 26, 2018

Nick Paton Walsh, CNN: The Russia threat is real -- and it matters

The Russians are coming! Except they aren't. Though they already have a bit. And they might well be coming a bit more soon.

This is how very bad things happen.

The threat posed by Russia to Western interests is unlike anything seen since the 1990s. It has forces or proxies deployed in Syria, Ukraine and, don't forget, parts of what's still called Georgia. There is smoke, but there is also fire and daily there is a lot of fuel being added.

Dutch state media revealed this week that Dutch cyber spies -- the Joint Sigint Cyber Unit (JSCU) -- were able to hack into the closed-circuit television of the building where a Russian hacking organization known as Cozy Bear worked, and observe them coming and going from offices where they hacked the Democratic National Committee in the US. The Dutch told the Americans, touching off the US investigations. According to the Dutch, the Americans then helpfully told the media they were tipped off by a Western intelligence agency, prompting the Russians to turn off the Cozy Bear CCTV hack.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 26, 2018

Analyst: Recognizing 'millennial with nuclear ICBMs' not an option for U.S. -- Elizabeth Shim, UPI

India's Arc to Southeast Asia -- Harsh Pant, The Hindu

Will India and Asean serve as a counterbalance to China? -- Karim Raslan, SCMP

China’s Rise Is Over -- Daniel C. Lynch, Stanford University Press

The US just changed course in Syria — and could now look to confront Iran -- Alex Lockie, Business Insider

We Should Listen Closely To Iran -- Heshmat Alavi, Forbes

A Reagan Doctrine for Iran? -- Dana Rohrabacher, National Interest

Yemen’s southern separatists take case to Congress -- Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor

Donald Trump Meets Davos Man -- Nina L. Khrushcheva, Project Syndicate

Davos: New momentum for Europe? -- Andreas Becker, DW

How Has Life In Crimea Changed Since Russia Seized It From Ukraine? (Audio) -- NPR

In Europe, Subtle Signs of a Softening on Russia -- Tarasenko & Fedorov, Kommersant

A Glimpse of a Canadian-Led International Order -- Matt Peterson, The Atlantic

Is it illegal to call someone a Nazi? -- Kathleen Schuster, DW

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