Canada's Special Forces Work With Private Contractors To Gather Intelligence

Canadian special forces soldiers, left and right, speak with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters at an observation post in northern Iraq in February. Canada is suspending its training and assistance operations due to worsening relations between allied Iraqi and Kurdish forces in the region. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)

VICE News: Canada is using private intelligence contractors for its special forces

Private intelligence contracts between the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) — the most elite branch of the military — and private intelligence consultants provide a rare glimpse into its secretive operations.

The government issued calls for nearly one million dollars worth of contracts to provide private intelligence advice for Canadian commandos, according to federal documents released online.

The contracts show that CANSOFCOM isn’t immune to the growing trend in government budgets of major NATO countries and their top secret agencies, to pay for private intelligence.

One of those contracts, worth close to $200,000, was awarded to Ottawa-based company Lansdowne Technologies for, “expertise on unique Special Operations Forces Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)” in 2016.

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WNU Editor: I live in Canada, and this is the first time that I am reading about this story.

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