Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 11, 2018

Asia Times: Two votes against, three abstentions: Xi secures power in perpetuity

China's rubber-stamp parliament passes a constitutional amendment removing presidential term limits – thereby giving Xi Jinping almost total authority

The path was cleared on Sunday for China’s Xi Jinping to rule the country indefinitely as its rubber-stamp parliament passed a constitutional amendment removing presidential term limits.

The amendment was passed almost – but not quite – unanimously, with two “no” votes and three abstentions, against 2,957 in favor. Party members’ loyalty belied a wave of criticism of the move among internet users, a wave which censors have taken care to extinguish. The amendment was revealed by the Communist Party just last month.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 11, 2018

China’s Xi joins Russia, Zimbabwe in global autocrat club -- Joe McDonald, AP

Xi's life mandate seals march of the strongmen -- AFP

The China-India tango -- Khurram Husain, DAWN

How China Interferes in Australia: And How Democracies Can Push Back -- John Garnaut, Foreign Affairs

Godspeed, Trump and Kim. What's the Backup Plan? -- Albert Hunt, Bloomberg

A Summit Failure Would Hurt Trump More Than Kim -- James Gibney, Bloomberg

Vietnam’s aged communists ruling on borrowed time -- David Hutt, Asia Times

Iran's Mullahs Have No Answers -- Ali Safavi, RCW

The treacherous relationship between Pakistan’s intelligence agency and the CIA -- Anthony Lloyd, New Statesman

Putin Is Not Bluffing about Confronting the West -- Andranik Migranyan, National Interest

Putin’s Russia: From basket case to resurgent superpower -- Angela Charlton and Naira Davlashyan, AP

Warning signal for Europe from Slovakia -- Keno Verseck, DW

Moldova’s Conflict: Unfreezing, In a Good Way? -- Thomas de Waal, Carnegie Europe

Trump tariffs may imperil a delicate global economic rebound -- Paul Wiseman, AP

Trump's Tariffs are a Trade Tool -- Samuel Rines, National Interest

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