When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you. https://t.co/uKppoDbduj— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) March 17, 2018
Not a good idea to piss off John Brennan. https://t.co/VLg94OLL2R— Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) March 17, 2018
Mr. President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not.— James Comey (@Comey) March 17, 2018
Analyze McCabe firing on two levels: the substance and the timing. We don’t know enough about the substance yet. The timing appears cruel and a cave that compromised DOJ
independence to please an increasingly erratic President who should’ve played no role here. This is dangerous
— Eric Holder (@EricHolder) March 17, 2018
WNU Editor: Love him or hate him .... if there is one thing that President Trump has succeeded, it is revealing who these people are.
If you had any doubt about whether the McCabe firing was an act of retribution, here is a flagrant victory dance from the man who ordered the hit. He just couldn’t resist. https://t.co/VLPaeSKuTY— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) March 17, 2018
The whole "attack the FBI that is investigating you and humiliate career public servants" strategy maybe isn't the best approach to either governing or the Russia investigation. https://t.co/JvT9Yvdq1w— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) March 17, 2018
WNU Editor: Love him or hate him .... if there is one thing that President Trump has succeeded, it is revealing who these people are.