Time: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Says Victory in Afghanistan Will Now Be 'Political' Instead of Military
(KABUL, Afghanistan) — U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Tuesday he believes victory in Afghanistan is still possible — not necessarily on the battlefield but in facilitating a Taliban reconciliation with the Afghan government.
Mattis spoke shortly before arriving in Kabul, where security concerns were so high that reporters traveling with him were not allowed to publish stories until his party had moved from the Kabul airport to the U.S.-led military coalition’s headquarters. That was the first such restriction on coverage of a Pentagon chief’s visit in memory. Mattis said he would be meeting with President Ashraf Ghani and top U.S. commanders.”We do look toward a victory in Afghanistan,” he said, adding, “Not a military victory — the victory will be a political reconciliation” with the Taliban, which has achieved a stalemate in recent years and shown little interest in conceding to the Kabul government.Mattis, a retired Marine general who commanded U.S. troops in southern Afghanistan in the opening weeks of the war in 2001, said getting the Taliban to reconcile en masse may be “a bridge too far.” So the emphasis is on drawing in Taliban elements piecemeal.He described this approach as an effort to “start peeling off those who are tired of fighting,” after more than 16 years of war.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 12, 2018
Defense Secretary Mattis arrives in Afghan capital -- L.A. Times
U.S. detecting some Taliban interest in Afghan peace talks: Mattis -- Reuters
Russia to world: Our new nukes are ‘no bluff’ -- Defense News
Russia getting ready for more tests of newest intercontinental ballistic missile Sarmat -- TASS
Russian Military Tests Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile -- Bloomberg/AP
CIA & Pentagon believe Russia’s next-gen weapons ‘years away’ from reality -- RT
Russia's Military Has Laser Weapons That Can Take Out Enemies In Less Than A Second -- Newsweek
If War Comes, Russia Could Disconnect from the Internet. Yes, the Entire Country -- NextGov
Russia to equip Iraqi armored brigade -- TASS
Russia Agrees to Speed Air Defense System Delivery to Turkey -- Sputnik
China's Xi calls for military loyalty to new constitution -- AFP
China raises pay, pensions for trimmed down military, announces plans for veterans’ ministry -- SCMP
href="https://warisboring.com/how-the-su-27-became-chinas-favorite-fighter-jet/">How the Su-27 Became China’s Favorite Fighter Jet -- War Is Boring
Next phase of Belt and Road: Xi's own military-industrial complex -- Nikkei Asian Review
India belatedly boosts naval competition with China -- Nikkei Asian Review
Warning sirens wail throughout Israel during major military drill -- The Times of Israel
US considering permanent cutbacks at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey -- Military Times
Cost of new nuclear subs is 'eye watering,' Navy secretary says -- Washington Examiner
Regular US Navy Arctic submarine exercise takes on new importance -- ABC News
Military reviews rules for helmet cams after Niger attack -- ABC News/AP
Lightening the Load for Grunts -- Shawn Snow, Marine Corps Times
Tamir and Mini Hit-to-Kill are among the missiles offered to Army to protect against indirect fires -- Defense News
US military a potential big customer for satellite industry's new low-cost terminals -- Space News
Peter Thiel’s data company Palantir will develop a new intelligence platform for the US Army -- The Verge
The U.S. Military Could Begin Drafting 40-year-old Hackers -- Bryan Clark, TNW News
US Air Force orders freeze on public outreach -- Defense News
The Pentagon is quietly moving forward on biofuel deals. Republicans want to stop it -- Washington Examiner
US military overlooks child sex abuse on bases -- NYPost/AP
The Army general who redefined warfighting for soldiers retires after four decades in uniform -- Army Times
How Big Should The Defense Budget Be? Experts vs The Public -- Breaking Defense
The Navy keeps encountering mysterious UFOs — and no one can figure out what they are -- Ben Brimelow, Business Insider
Next phase of Belt and Road: Xi's own military-industrial complex -- Nikkei Asian Review
India belatedly boosts naval competition with China -- Nikkei Asian Review
Warning sirens wail throughout Israel during major military drill -- The Times of Israel
US considering permanent cutbacks at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey -- Military Times
Cost of new nuclear subs is 'eye watering,' Navy secretary says -- Washington Examiner
Regular US Navy Arctic submarine exercise takes on new importance -- ABC News
Military reviews rules for helmet cams after Niger attack -- ABC News/AP
Lightening the Load for Grunts -- Shawn Snow, Marine Corps Times
Tamir and Mini Hit-to-Kill are among the missiles offered to Army to protect against indirect fires -- Defense News
US military a potential big customer for satellite industry's new low-cost terminals -- Space News
Peter Thiel’s data company Palantir will develop a new intelligence platform for the US Army -- The Verge
The U.S. Military Could Begin Drafting 40-year-old Hackers -- Bryan Clark, TNW News
US Air Force orders freeze on public outreach -- Defense News
The Pentagon is quietly moving forward on biofuel deals. Republicans want to stop it -- Washington Examiner
US military overlooks child sex abuse on bases -- NYPost/AP
The Army general who redefined warfighting for soldiers retires after four decades in uniform -- Army Times
How Big Should The Defense Budget Be? Experts vs The Public -- Breaking Defense
The Navy keeps encountering mysterious UFOs — and no one can figure out what they are -- Ben Brimelow, Business Insider