Special Terror Zone: Pakistan Has A New Name, Courtesy India

Kumam demanded that Pakistan end forced conversions and marriages of minorities. She said the real problem in Jammu and Kashmir is terrorism. India also called Pakistan the 'Ivy League of terrorism'

by Geeta Mohan

After 'Ivy League of Terrorism' and 'Terroristan', India has now come up with a new term for terrorism emanating from Pakistan and the sanctuaries that exist across the border - Special Terrorist Zones.

"We urge the Council to call on Pakistan to end cross border infiltration; to dismantle special terrorist zones, safe havens and sanctuaries, to take verifiable actions, including on terror financing," said second secretary Ms Kumam at HRC.

To a response to the Pakistani diplomats statement on Kashmir where he urged "India to end its illegal occupation and resolve the Kashmir despite in accordance with wishes of Kashmiri people", she emphatically spelt out the root cause of the "real problem" in the state of Jammu and Kashmir juxtaposing it with the real crisis within Pakistan and the need to tackle the increasing violations by the Pakistani State.

"We strongly object to Pakistan's habitual misuse of the Council to make misleading references about internal matters pertaining to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. This council should be mindful that the dubious concern for human rights is coming from a country, which has systematically abused and violated human rights of the people in Baluchistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well as Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Pakistan has long been attempting to mask its territorial ambitions and use of terrorism as a state policy under the guise of concern for human rights", she said.

The Indian diplomat spoke at length about state support to terrorism by Pakistan and how that has impacted peace in Jammu and Kashmir.

"Terrorism is the grossest violation of human rights. The real problem in the State of Jammu and Kashmir is terrorism, which has constantly received sustenance from Pakistan and territories under its control", she said.

Highlighting the misuse of blasphemy laws in Pakistan, Kumam demanded that Pakistan end forced conversions and marriages of minorities and stop enforced disappearances.

India urged the UNHRC to call on Pakistan "to provide freedom to the people of Pakistan occupied Kashmir by ending its illegal and forcible occupation; to end harassment of minorities, to place procedural and institutional safeguards to prevent misuse of blasphemy law; to end forced conversions and marriages of minorities; including Hindu, Sikh and Christian women, to prosecute all such cases; to stop targeting political dissidents and legitimate criticism in Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; to stop torture, enforced disappearances and unlawful killing; including that of journalists and activists by its security agencies and prosecute all perpetrators; to stop sectarian violence, systemic persecution and attacks on Muslim minorities, such as Shias, Ahmadiyas, Ismailia and Hazaras."

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