Popular Mechanics: U.S. Troops to Test Augmented Reality By 2019
The device, called, HUD 3.0, will project critical data onto a soldier’s field of view.
The U.S. Army is set to test its first augmented reality system sometime in 2019. The system, called HUD 3.0, will allow soldiers to quickly figure out where they are, where the rest of their unit is, and where the enemy is. The heads-up display (HUD) is designed to allow soldiers in combat to orient themselves in the fight and rapidly come up with a plan to defeat their enemies.
According to Breaking Defense, the
U.S. Army is developing a helmet-mounted system designed to project important data onto a soldier’s field of view. The augmented reality concept is based on the heads-up display used on fighter planes. Introduced in the late 1970s, HUDs project key information such as speed, altitude, heading, radar mode, and available weapons onto a fighter pilot’s field of view, allowing the pilot to keep his or her eyes on the skies.
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WNU editor: What has only been seen in science fiction movies and shows will soon be an integral tool for US soldiers when they are deployed to conflict zones in the next few years. This will definitely make commanders aware on what is happening on the ground and the position of their forces .... while having a better understanding on the who/what/and where the enemy is (at least in theory). For more details on this tech go here .... HUD 3.0: Army To Test Augmented Reality For Infantry In 18 Months (Breaking Defense).
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WNU editor: What has only been seen in science fiction movies and shows will soon be an integral tool for US soldiers when they are deployed to conflict zones in the next few years. This will definitely make commanders aware on what is happening on the ground and the position of their forces .... while having a better understanding on the who/what/and where the enemy is (at least in theory). For more details on this tech go here .... HUD 3.0: Army To Test Augmented Reality For Infantry In 18 Months (Breaking Defense).