World News Briefs -- March 12, 2018

Reuters: North Korean 'caution' seen in announcing stance on upcoming summits: Seoul

North Korea’s silence on its upcoming summits with the United States and South Korea is probably due to caution over organizing its stance on the meetings, the South said on Monday, as China’s leader urged patience.

North Korean media mentioned a visit by a delegation from the South last week, but no coverage has been seen of leader Kim Jong Un’s invitation to meet U.S. President Donald Trump or the South Korean president to discuss the future of North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

“We have not seen nor received an official response from the North Korean regime regarding the North Korea-U.S. summit,” Baik Tae-hyun, spokesman for the South’s Ministry of Unification, told a regular news conference.

“I feel they’re approaching this matter with caution and they need time to organize their stance.”

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Syrian troops cut major roads in suburbs of Damascus.

Eastern Ghouta: At least 42 killed amid ongoing offensive. Syrian army gains ground in Eastern Ghouta.

More civilians leave Syrian rebel enclave as army advances.

US airstrikes in Syria drop by half as Kurds depart anti-ISIS fight.

2017 was the deadliest year of Syrian war for children, says Unicef.

Syria war has killed more than 350,000 in 7 years: monitor.

Four 'terrorists' killed in attack on Iran military checkpoint.

Saudi Arabia used abuse to seize billions during purge: NYT.

Turkish private jet crashes in Iran; all 11 aboard killed.


North Korean nuclear crisis at a crossroads: Xi Jinping urges Kim and Trump to fast track talks.

North Korean media hasn't reported summits with Seoul, U.S.. 'No response' yet from North Korea on talks with the US.

Most South Koreans welcome North Korea's change of heart but 64 percent doubt sincerity.

Afghan forces battle Taliban fighters in Farah province.

Myanmar builds military bases on the site of Rohingya homes and mosques – report.

Myanmar events 'bear hallmarks of genocide': UN expert.

Sri Lanka: UN condemns anti-Muslim violence.

At least 40 killed in Bangladeshi passenger plane crash on football pitch near Kathmandu airport.

India: Thousands of farmers march for more rights.

Shinzo Abe's wife's name removed from documents on suspected cronyism scandal. Japan: Shinzo Abe's political future in doubt as wife linked to cronyism scandal.


Tillerson shortens African tour over 'schedule demands'.

Chad, a counterterror ally, still smarting over travel ban.

Defeating Al-Shabaab first step for Somalia's stability: AMISON chief.

Libyan militias continue to benefit from external weapons support: UN Libya Experts Panel report.

Ethiopian military mistakenly kills 9 civilians.

At least 22 dead after cattle raid in South Sudan.

Sierra Leone presidential poll set for Julius Maada Bio and Samura Kamara run-off.

South African President Ramaphosa warns against land invasions.


Theresa May seeks answers in spy's poisoning at national security meeting.

UK lawmaker says spy poisoning looks to be ‘state-sponsored’.

Trump-Russia: Putin criticised for Jew election meddling comments.

Putin says he approved plan to shoot down plane in 2014.

EU 'will stand up to trade bullies'.

Slovakia's interior minister resigns amid uproar over investigative journalist's murder.

Austria marks 80 years since Nazi Germany annexation.

Lone attacker killed at Iranian ambassador residence in Vienna.


Colombia election: Farc fails to win support in first national vote. Colombia: Opposing peace with FARC, conservatives make gains at the polls. Colombia: FARC performs poorly in first electoral test.

Chile: Conservative billionaire Sebastian Pinera returns to presidency.

Sick Venezuelans flee to Colombia as refugee crisis worsens.

For poor Venezuelans, a box of food may sway vote for Maduro.

Cuba vote marks final chapter of Castro legacy.

Falklands: Argentinian soldiers' relatives to put names on graves.

New York helicopter crash: five dead after aircraft ditches in East river.


ISIS militants raid by night, hide during the day in Kirkuk.

Islamic State claims bombing in Libya that killed 3.

Man seeks €1.8m in compensation for wrongful jailing over 9/11.


Saudi Aramco IPO delayed until 2019: report.

Elon Musk: SpaceX and Tesla alive 'by skin of their teeth'.

Trump says Commerce Secretary will talk tariffs with EU.

China’s steel, metals sector calls for retaliation over Trump tariffs.

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