World News Briefs -- March 22, 2018 (Evening Edition)

BBC: Trump announces $60bn in China tariffs

The US plans to impose tariffs on up to $60bn (£42.5bn) in Chinese goods and limit the country's investment in the US in retaliation for years of alleged intellectual property theft.

The White House said the actions were necessary to counter unfair competition from China's state-led economy.

It said years of talks had failed to produce change. China said it was ready to retaliate with "necessary measures".

Beijing also said it would "fight to the end" in any trade war with the US.

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Saudi, US must pursue 'urgent efforts' for Yemen peace: Mattis. Mattis tells Saudi leader of urgent need to find end to Yemen war.

Assad mum on new Israeli disclosures regarding 2007 attack on Syrian reactor.

Syria rebels depart eastern Ghouta town on government buses in first surrender.

Opposition fighters evacuated from Eastern Ghouta town.

Assad closer to Ghouta victory, as some rebels prepare to quit.

Turkey says will drive Kurdish YPG from Syrian border area if no deal with U.S..

Iraq rejects UAE claims of Qatar funding paramilitaries.

Trump, Saudi leader discuss Houthi 'threat' in Yemen: White House.

Hamas: Rami Hamdallah convoy attack suspects killed in Gaza. Two Hamas security force members killed as Gaza bomb suspect arrested.

Palestinian teenager who slapped Israeli soldier to serve 8 months in jail.


China 'would fight to the end' in any U.S.-launched trade war: embassy.

China getting nervous about looming US tariffs. Trump set to unveil new trade sanctions; Beijing responds.

South Korea ex-president Lee detained on graft charges.

North Korea's rubber-stamp parliament to meet in April ahead of inter-Korean summit.

Kashmir: 10 killed after fierce gun battle.

U.S. says Russian support for Taliban hurts peace process in Afghanistan.

Afghan strongman makes way for hand-picked successor, ending crisis.

Maldives president lifts 45-day state of emergency.

India's Seychelles military base plan hits choppy waters.

Chinese students angered by visa delays as state media issues 'red alert' to not enrol in Australia.


UN warns of 'catastrophic' aid crisis in DR Congo.

At least 14 killed in Mogadishu car bombing.

African countries agree to continental free trade area.

Malian PM makes landmark visit to restive north.

Armed groups in Libya torturing migrants, selling slaves, U.N. says. Human Rights Watch: Libya 'incapable' of holding elections.

Killing of aid workers in Nigeria a setback for troubled crisis response.

Ivory Coast security forces stop opposition march.

Zimbabwe's Emmerson Mnangagwa pardons 3,000 prisoners.

Sierra Leone election body alleges police intimidation.


'No plausible explanation other than that the Russian state was responsible' for Salisbury nerve agent attack says No10 as Theresa May updates Macron and Merkel on 'reckless' crime.

‘Peace through strength!’ Trump says ‘getting along with Russia is a good thing’.

‘Still a long way to go’ to reach breakthrough in Russia-US ties, says Kremlin.

Theresa May to warn EU leaders of Russian threat to democracy.

UK to ask EU leaders to expel Russian spies from own countries.

Turkey to send drill ship to contested gas field off Cyprus.

German Economy Minister says he found 'open ears' in US on tariffs.

Catalan parties propose third potential leader in race against courts.

Nicolas Sarkozy corruption charges reveal France's loose campaign finance practices. Nicolas Sarkozy: French ex-president says funding probe is 'hell'.

Thousands of public sector workers go on strike across France.


Trump orders huge tariffs on China, raises trade war worries.

House sends $1.3 trillion spending bill to Senate as Friday deadline looms.

US quietly dropped assault charges against 11 Erdogan bodyguards.

Biden says he would have 'beat the hell out' of Trump in high school for disrespecting women. Trump fires back at ‘Crazy Joe Biden': ‘He would go down fast and hard, crying all the way’.

'Got $1.6billion to start the wall': Trump boasts about approved financing to build his controversial border and the 'most ever' funding for the military with $716billion.

Donald Trump defends congratulating Vladimir Putin over election win despite being warned against it.

Police: Austin bomber’s motive still unknown, despite video.

Peruvian President Kuczynski resigns before impeachment vote.

Justin Trudeau defends Canada's arms sales to Saudi Arabia.


US blacklists mystery French chemical terrorist.

US, Jordan launch new counterterrorism training centre.

Al Qaeda 3.0: Turning to face the near enemy.

Al Qaeda group JNIM releases high-level production video.

Second anniversary of Belgium militant attack brings back painful memories.


Stocks dive on trade war fears after China sanctions. Stocks tumble to worst day in six weeks after Trump tariff action.

US music sales hit decade high as streaming soars.

Dollar, shares buffeted by trade war worries.

Trump to hit China with tariffs over intellectual property theft — and it may start an all-out trade war. China: We will hit back if US announces new tariffs.

Countries scramble to win exemptions from steel tariffs.

Tesla boss Elon Musk's $2.6bn pay day.

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