Is North Korea 'Caving-In' To President Trump Before Meeting Him?

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un applauds during a military parade marking the 105th birth anniversary of the country's founding father, Kim Il Sung, in Pyongyang April 15, 2017. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj

Business Insider: North Korea appears to be totally caving to Trump before they even meet in person

* North Korean leader Kim Jong Un appears to be making huge concessions before meeting with President Donald Trump or South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
* Kim caving in to US desires could be the result of Trump rallying the world to put pressure on North Korea, or it could be a trick, as North Korea has tricked the US into allowing it sanctions relief before.
* News of Kim caving to US desires doesn't actually come from Kim, but from Moon, who may have an interest in softening North Korea's rhetoric.
* Trump may have actually nailed it and has Kim backed into a corner with sanctions and military pressure.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un appears to be making huge concessions before meeting with President Donald Trump or South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

Moon said on Thursday, after South Korean diplomats held a series of meetings with Kim and his inner circle, that North Korea essentially wants nothing in return for complete denuclearization.

Moon said North Korea wants "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula, something experts usually take to mean a removal of US forces from South Korea in addition to removing North Korea's nuclear weapons.

Read more ....

Update: North Korea drops withdrawal of US forces as condition of denuclearization, Moon says (CNN)

WNU Editor: I see zero evidence that they are "caving-in". The only one who is talking is South Korean President Moon Jae-in .... South Korean President Moon Jae-in: North Seeking 'Complete Denuclearization'. And as for the North Koreans .... they have said very little publicly, and I expect them to say very little publicly until after the summit.

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