My Take On The Comey Memos And Where The Mueller Investigation Is Going To Go From Here

WNU Editor: I took the time and read the Comey memos this morning (you can read it here). Bottom line .... there is nothing there. No obstruction. No collusion. No indication that President Trump told Comey to forget about Michael Flynn. But these are the same memos that were leaked to the New Your Times and used by the media, never-Trumpers, and Democrats to pressure the Justice Department to create a Special Counsel. But after a year of investigations and allegations of crimes from numerous anonymous sources .... there is still no evidence to implicate or indict President Trump. So what was the purpose for this entire year-long affair? To change public opinion against President Trump? To attack his allies? To neutralize his agenda? Everyone has an opinion, but from where I am standing I can say with confidence that they have failed. Public opinion has not changed when it comes to President Trump .... and if anything .... President Trump's base is still solidly behind him. And more aggravating to those who oppose him .... President Trump has been quietly implementing his agenda during this entire time.

Another sign to me that everything is starting to unravel was this announcement this morning .... Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign (Washington Post). I have seen many bogus stunts before .... but this is one takes the cake .... a last ditch attempt to find the evidence that Mueller cannot find. Here is an easy prediction .... this suit is going to be thrown out of court. Another prediction .... the Mueller Counsel is going to look for a way to gracefully get away from all of this, and to save face. But the big problem for those who support the Mueller Counsel will be to placate a lot of Democrats and never-Trumpers who are convinced that President Trump will be facing impeachment or worse in the future. Considering how much this story has been played up over the year to keep this constituency energized .... it is not going to be an easy job.

One final note .... for the past year I have had to read U.S. press reports, commentary, and politicians talk and build-up how powerful Putin is, that he dictates U.S. policy, that he can influence and corrupt U.S. elections, and that President Trump is being blackmailed by the Kremlin. Being someone whose nationality is Russian and who has some knowledge on how things work in Russia .... I can say with confidence that Russian President Putin does not deserve this type of recognition or respect. Not even close. And while I can understand why many in the U.S. would like to believe otherwise, my hope is that those who do respect the institutions that makes the U.S. an incredible country step up and say enough is enough. That tearing down and undermining the power and strength of these institutions because your candidate lost an election serves no one well, and worse .... it only bolsters an image of Putin that he does not deserve.

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