World News Briefs -- April 12, 2018

BBC: Syria 'chemical attack': France's President Macron 'has proof'

France's President Emmanuel Macron says he has "proof" that the Syrian government attacked the town of Douma with chemical weapons last weekend.

He said he would decide "in due course" whether to respond with air strikes.

Western states are thought to be preparing for missile strikes in response to the alleged attack.

In Russia, Syria's main military ally, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov urged against "any steps which could lead to an escalation of tensions".

US President Donald Trump, who said on Wednesday that missiles were "coming", has now tweeted that he "never said when".

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Macron says France has evidence to prove Damascus’s use of chemical weapons. Macron: Assad regime used chemical weapons on Syria's Douma.

Syria 'chemical attack': US weighs up military response.

Russia and Iran rebuke US for missile threat against Syria amid standoff over attack.

Last rebel fighters pushed out of Syria's Douma.

Lebanese president: Israeli airspace breach an 'attack on our sovereignty'.

Air Force hits Gaza gunmen after they shoot at plane, trigger rocket sirens.

Israel comes to standstill to remember Holocaust victims.


At least four killed after rebel-army gun battle in Kashmir.

Taliban seize ‘safe’ Afghan district weeks after Pentagon hailed progress under new Trump strategy.

Afghan civilians increasingly targeted by militants: UN.

North Korea skips mention of nuclear weapons at Supreme People's Assembly.

Six ministers quit Sri Lanka's troubled government.

China's anti-corruption campaign snags ex-Politburo member.

New Zealand bans all new offshore oil exploration as part of 'carbon-neutral future'.


U.N. peacekeeper killed in clashes in Central African Republic.

UN to expand sanctions blacklist in Mali amid growing violence.

Deadly Yemen ambush stirs calls to withdraw Sudan troops.

Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar 'in a coma' at Paris hospital.

German aid worker kidnapped in Niger.

Four years after the Chibok kidnapping Boko Haram still a threat.

Somalia disbands UAE programme to pay and train soldiers.

White South African farmers say they're living in fear, but blacks say they're the ones being victimised.

Algeria declares three days of mourning over deadly plane crash.


EU extends rights sanctions on Iran, at odds over new measures.

Kremlin to Trump: We don't engage in Twitter diplomacy.

Russian spy poisoning: Nerve agent inspectors back UK.

Yulia Skripal rejects Russian help as she recovers from poison attack.

Azeri president's supporters heckle as observers declare election unfair.

Pope Francis admits 'grave error' in discrediting Chilean church sexual abuse victims.

Germany's foreign population reaches record 10.6 million.


Trump denies report he tried to fire special counsel Mueller.

Anti-extremism efforts falter 5 years after Boston bombing.

As Pompeo signals hard Russia line, lawmakers want him to stand on his own.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau rules out airstrikes in Syria.

Former Mexican President Fox calls for opium poppy legalization.

Colombia targets Gulf Clan after deadly blast in Urabá.

U.S. weekly jobless claims hold below 300,000 for longest streak on record.


Britain reveals it launched cyberattack on Islamic State.

ICC prosecutes Islamist militant on groundbreaking gender-based charges.

US military opens annual counterterrorism training in Niger.


OPEC sees oil markets tighten further even as U.S. shale booms.

IMF's Lagarde warns China on 'Silk Road' debt.

WTO warns over US-China trade war. WTO warns over tit-for-tat trade wars.

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