How Much Sleep Before A Mission Does A Soldier Need?

We Are The Mighty: This is how much sleep you should be getting before a mission

On deployment, troops are asked to complete some pretty intense missions under hostile conditions. Half of the time, they leave the wire with little-to-no sleep and still have to perform at a high level. Due to our crazy schedules, we are required to be up at the butt-crack of dawn for PT, eat chow, and prepare for the 12-16 hour workday ahead. After all that, we try and get some rest before we have to do it all over again the next day.

That sh*t can burn a troop out in no time.

Since we're dedicated as f*ck, we suck it up and move on. Unfortunately,
being sleep deprived increases the risk of some significant health problems, like diabetes, strokes, and even heart attacks. Aside from these major problems, running on too little sleep can cause troops to make dumb mistakes and severely lowers reaction times.

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WNU Editor: I need 7 hours of sleep .... and a 20 minute siesta an hour or two after lunch to keep me in peek performance. Some more useful information is here .... This Is The U.S. Military's Technique To Fall Asleep In Two Minutes (March 24, 2018)

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