RT: Record million people take part in Immortal Regiment march in Moscow to mark V-Day (VIDEO)
More than a million people have joined the Immortal Regiment march to commemorate WWII heroes, setting a new record. Russian President Vladimir Putin also took part in the event.
Huge crowds are moving through the center of the Russian capital, carrying pictures of their relatives who experienced the horrors of the Great Patriotic War (as WWII is called in Russia). The Immortal Regiment march is part of Victory Day celebrations, which this year marks the 73rd anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany.
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WNU editor: I thought Putin had skipped the march to hold talks with Israeli PM Netanyahu .... but I was wrong .... they were both leading the procession. A small confession. I have seen my fair share of Victory Day parades in Moscow over the years .... but I have never attended the Immortal March. One day I will, and the picture that I will be carrying will be my father .... who served in the Soviet Army from the beginning of the war till the end.
Update: This is why Putin is popular in Russia .... it is the small things that Russians always notice .... Putin welcomes & accompanies WWII veteran after he was pushed away by president’s guard (VIDEO) (RT).