Watch This Missile Execute An Incredible Maneuver In A Recent Airstrike Footage On The Taliban (Video)

Warzone/The Drive: Mystery Guided Munition Executes Incredible Maneuver In Strange Airstrike Footage

The footage shows an unidentified weapon being used that appears to be capable of some amazing aerobatic feats.

Recent airstrike footage from Afghanistan released by the Pentagon shows a peculiar engagement in which a guided munition appears to approach a target from one direction before abruptly flipping back entirely on itself to make its very short final attack run from the completely opposite direction before detonating in a big fireball. In the video, which was pointed out to us by War Zone reader Trevor Austin, the munition in question is nearly featureless, which only adds to its mystery.

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WNU Editor: When I watched the video I also spotted the missile's maneuver in mid-flight .... but I personally thought there was something wrong with the video. Apparently not. You can see the strike starting at the 32 second mark in the above video. This guided missile is way beyond the capability that we have been told (or shown) on what these missiles could do.

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