How Bad Is The Iranian Nuclear Deal?

Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif meet in New York City in 2016. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters)

Victor Davis Hanson, NRO: The Bad Iranian Deal Was Always Going to Get Worse

The more we learn about it — as Iranian and Obama-administration deceptions are uncovered — the more we know it was a disaster from the start.

When Donald Trump withdrew from the so-called Iran deal in early May, almost all conventional wisdom in Washington was aghast.

The Left thought nullification would fast-track Iranian proliferation, incite more Iranian terrorism and adventurism, estrange our allies, and alienate a possible new friend.

Many on the conservative side (aside from Never Trumpers who are against anything Trump is for, including their own prior policies) thought it would have been wiser to back out slowly, or at least to have waited first for the duplicitous Iranians to get caught in clear violations, or to coordinate a joint withdrawal with the Europeans.

Few of these critics ever quite understood that the deal was already a stinking corpse, long overdue for burial. Iranian cunning and the strategic thinking about the asymmetrical deal had always aimed at the following trajectory:

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WNU Editor: Since the adoption of the Iran nuclear deal (a deal that no one ever signed) .... I have been keeping a running tally on all the new revelations that we keep on learning about on how this deal was put together. The above post by Victor Hanson provides a brief summary on what we know so far .... warts and all.

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