More Signs Of Change In Saudi Arabia

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gestures during a military parade. (photo credit:SAUDI PRESS AGENCY/REUTERS)

France 24: Saudi Arabia reshuffles cabinet with eye on culture

RIYADH (AFP) - Saudi Arabia announced another cabinet reshuffle Saturday with a heavy focus on culture and religion, as the kingdom undergoes a major image rehaul.

This is the second significant government change since the appointment of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, son of the king, as heir to the region's most powerful throne. Prince Mohammed serves as deputy prime minister under his father, King Salman.

State news agency SPA announced King Salman had replaced the country's labour, Islamic affairs and culture ministers.

The kingdom also announced it had set up a royal commission for the holy city of Mecca, which is expected to welcome millions of Muslim pilgrims for the annual hajj in August, to be chaired by Prince Mohammed.

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