Russia Feels Left Out On What Is Happening On The Korean Peninsula

Kim Jong Un shakes hands with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Russian Foreign Ministry

L. Todd Wood, Washington Times: Russia frets as Trump orchestrates the mother of all deals

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was in Pyongyang Thursday, greeted with much fanfare on his way to talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. It’s a little drop-by that reveals many things about Russia, its priorities in Northeast Asia and its approach to the crisis on the Korean peninsula.

A hallmark of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy has been to re-establish Russia as a player on the world stage, a nation to be respected and reckoned with in global affairs. With President Trump pushing the parties forward for peace in Korea, there is no way the Kremlin could allow the U.S. president to get all the glory, or walk off with that Nobel Peace Prize.

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WNU Editor: The above commentator believes that President Trump is on the verge of making a deal on North Korea, and that Russia is trying to at least give the appearance of being involved. I personally believe that it is still too early to predict where the Korean peace process is going .... and as for Russia .... yes .... they have been disengaged from what is happening on the Korean peninsula, and they are trying to get back into the "game".

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