This Is What A Real Naval Buildup Looks Like

Popular Mechanics: This Is What a Real Naval Buildup Looks Like

China’s is building destroyers faster than even the mighty U.S. Navy.

Recent photos from a shipyard in China sum up the news about Beijing’s navy: it’s growing, and fast. The sight of five brand-new guided missile destroyers shows China’s determination to field a fully modern navy to rival—or perhaps someday best—the U.S. Navy.

The photos, posted online by China Defense Blog, were taken at the Dalian Shipyard in northern China. (To get there, take a flight to Dalian, get on Dongbei Road, and make a right at the Dalian IKEA onto Shugang Road. It’ll take you right to the shipyard.) Dalian is one of China’s most important shipyards, and was responsible for the renovation of China’s first aircraft carrier, Liaoning, from a rusting, incomplete hull to deployable ship, and China’s first indigenous carrier, Type 002, visible half a mile east here.

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WNU Editor: Expect this to become a regular occurrence .... China's 1st Carrier Strike Group Reaches Initial Operational Capability (The Diplomat). As I have mentioned more than once in this blog .... it is not what China today that concerns me, it is what China will be in 10, 20, or 30 years from now. China .... with its industrial base .... can easily sustain this type of build-up .... can anyone else?

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