This North Korean Defector Expects The Summit Will Not Solve Anything

North Korean security personnel run next to a motorcade carrying North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on Sunday

Business Insider: Trump understands North Korea better than South Korea does, but the summit won't solve anything, according to a defector

North Korean defector Kim Young-il is the 39-year-old founder of People for Successful Corean Reunification (PSCORE). He escaped North Korea at 19 years old.

Kim said that President Donald Trump's handling of the upcoming summit with North Korea in Singapore on June 12 shows that he understands dictator Kim Jong Un better than South Korean president Moon Jae-In.

But Kim believes that nothing will change as a result of the summit because Kim Jong Un and the North Korean government have too much to lose by making concessions and opening the country up economically.

President Donald Trump understands how to handle North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un better than his South Korean counterpart, President Moon Jae-in, but it's unlikely anything significant will come of Tuesday's summit in Singapore, according to North Korean defector Kim Young-il.

"From the way that Trump talks, it seems like he understands a lot more about North Korea than [South Korean president] Moon Jae-In," Kim told Business Insider during a recent interview. "To me, it seems like Trump understands the characteristics of Kim Jong Un better in terms of how to deal with his personality."

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WNU Editor: My expectations from this summit are very simple. From the U.S. side .... a lessening of tensions, and a North Korean commitment to abandon their long range missile program while agreeing to a policy to denuclearize over a certain period of time. With this commitment .... the details will then be ironed out by the diplomats, and verified by international inspectors over time. From the North Korean side .... my expectation is that they want a commitment to the lifting the sanctions .... again the specific details will be worked out by the diplomats. Once all the details have been worked out .... there will be a second meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un .... probably at the DMZ or (again) in Singapore. The real fireworks will be between North Korea and South Korea .... it is here that I am not optimistic that the progress of reconciliation and closer ties will proceed as quickly as some are hoping that it will.

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