Upgraded Smerch Rockets From Russia Hit Targets During Pokhran Trial

Jaisalmer: Smerch guided missile-cum-multi battle rocket launched system manufactured under Indian-Russian joint venture successfully hit the target in Pokaran field firing range. 

The trials of this system are completed at Pokhran field firing range in the presence of Indian army and Russian scientists. The two latest version of the system 9MMF and 9.55K were successfully launched and the trial was completely successful. Last year, the missile missed the target and fell in residential hamlet, so necessary modification were made and lacking were rectified in the missile and missiles fire trials were remade which successfully hit the targets. A team from Russia including scientist, specialist and others also came to check firing trials of upgraded version of SMERCH in Pokhran field firing range.

According to information from senior army sources, in 2012 a joint venture took place between India and Russia. The MoU took place between the Russian weapon companies Rosoboronexport and Splav ‘SPA’ and Indian defence ministry and the modern weapon was agreed to be manufactured at ordinance factories in India. At present this rocket is being manufactured at Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) in Kanpur.

Sources said that this system is being checked on various parameters at the firing range and the missile successfully hit the target at 90 km. It has total five versions of which two versions 9.MMF and 9.55K were successfully launched.

Source said in last September during the trial the missile lost its direction and fell in a residential hamlet near Mohangarh village in Jaisalmer district and a big accident was averted as there was no one present at the time of incident at the hamlet, but the hamlet was gutted and a big hole was formed.

This rocket too will have the feature to change direction after firing. There is agreement between both countries to make this weapon at ordnance factories in India. At the time of war, if army finds that missile has gone in other direction then it can change the direction through remote control. This rocket after getting fired will hit the target at any condition.

The stabiliser that will be made at Kanpur will work as wings of the bird and without this the rocket will not move

Meanwhile, sources said that DRDO is also working on PINAKA Mark-3 multi barrel rocket launcher. PINAKA Mark-2 can hit up to 60 km, whereas updated PINAKA Mark-3 can hit up to 90km and even more. DRDO is planning to develop new rocket with more range than that of Russian-supplied Smerch rockets.

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