Why President Trump's Critics Have Crossed The Line When They Compare Him To Hitler

Allan Richarz, The Hill: The strategic blunder of ‘Trump-as-Hitler’

You knew it was coming. Eighteen months into the Trump administration and the president’s ostensibly serious critics have finally broken the glass on the “Trump-is-a-Nazi” line of attack.

To be certain, there were previous allusions to this from media, Democrats and “Never Trumpers” — accusations of authoritarianism meant to implicitly draw the connection between President Donald Trump and Nazi Germany. Apart from the “over-woke,” under-informed Hollywood set, however, critics largely managed to avoid making the explicit comparison.

Until now, that is, with the issue of family separations at the U.S. border dominating headlines.

But overwrought comparisons to the Nazis are both historically illiterate and an extreme strategic misstep. The president’s critics have crossed a rhetorical line from which there can be no turning back.

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WNU Editor: What better way to ensure President Trump and his allies will coast to victory in the Congressional midterms and in the 2020 General election by comparing him and his supporters to Nazis. From Hillary Clinton comparing Putin to Hitler .... Former U.S. Secretary Of State Kerry Confirms What War News Updates Posted 4 Years Ago (June 2, 2018), to today's debate on open borders and how migrants should be treated .... the Hitler-Nazi card is now being widely used by progressives/Democrats/never-Trumpers/etc. in labeling those that they oppose. And while this is nothing new .... I heard this same line of argument used against President Reagan and President George Bush .... it is now reaching a fever pitch that I have never heard before. Will it work .... no. It will only galvanize those who have been labeled as such to go to the polls on election day .... and the funny is that President Trump knows it, while his opponents are oblivious of the consequences of what they are saying.

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