President Trump: EU And The U.S. Have Agreed To Resolve Trade Issues

Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump Says U.S. and EU Will ‘Resolve’ Steel, Aluminum Tariffs

President declares ‘new phase’ in U.S.-EU relations.

President Trump on Wednesday declared a “new phase” in the relationship between the U.S. and the European Union, agreeing to hold off on proposed car tariffs and work with the EU to resolve their dispute over metals duties, while also promoting bilateral trade.

Speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House alongside European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Mr. Trump said the U.S. and the EU had agreed to “work together toward zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers and zero subsidies on non auto-industrial goods.”

“This was a very big day for free and fair trade,” Mr. Trump said. He said the U.S. and EU would “resolve” the steel and aluminum tariffs he imposed earlier this year and the retaliatory tariffs the EU imposed in response.

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WNU Editor: If true, this is a huge win for the U.S. President. I am also surprised that the EU's resistance to President Trump's demands were mild .... from what I am reading they made some major concessions.

More News On President Trump Announcing That The EU And The U.S. Have Agreed To Resolve Their Trade Issues

US and EU reach deal to calm trade war fears – business live (The Guardian)
The Latest: EU Commission leader hails deal with Trump -- AP
Trump, European Union leaders announce path forward on trade -- AP
Trump says agreed with EU to work to lower trade barriers -- Reuters
Trump announces trade concessions from EU officials on soybeans, energy, tariffs (FOX News)
Trump Today: President hails ‘big day’ for free trade as he strikes tentative pact with EU chief -- Market Watch
We Have A Deal: Trump And Juncker Agree To Avert A Trade War -- Zero Hedge

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