Bloomberg: Saudi Critic's Disappearance Deepens Major Middle East Rifts
Allegations that Saudi agents flew into Turkey and murdered one of the kingdom’s leading critics would have sent shock waves through bilateral relations at any point.
But with the two countries already on opposite sides of some of the Middle East’s defining rifts, the accusations -- voiced in off-record briefings by Turkish officials and vehemently denied by Saudi rulers -- are potentially even more explosive. Each chilling leak about the possible fate of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and the resultant international condemnation, makes a behind-the-scenes compromise that much harder.
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WNU Editor: Turkish - Saudi relations have not been friendly for the past two years. Turkey's support of Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood coupled with its opposition to Saudi Arabia's policy to moderate Islam has earned Turkish President Erdogan no friends in the Saudi Kingdom .... and vice versa. The disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi is only going t make it worse.