Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 25, 2018

Image: Reuters.

Mohammed Ayoob, National Interest: The United States and Pakistan: A Marriage Made in Hell

The current open spat between Trump and Imran Khan may be the much-awaited signal that divorce is around the corner.

In the last few days the war of words between President Donald Trump and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has reached unprecedented heights. Trump has declared that Pakistan has “done nothing for the United States” despite receiving aid amounting to $20 billion. Khan has responded by challenging what he called “Trump’s false assertions” that “add insult to the injury Pakistan has suffered in U.S. War on Terror in terms of lives lost and economic costs.”

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 25, 2018

Trump Points the Finger at Pakistan Again. What Does It Mean for Afghanistan? -- The Diplomat

10 years on, Mumbai moves on from attacks but scars remain -- Vineeta Deepak, AP

Moon starting to sink from Korea’s political horizon -- Fabian Kretschmer, Asia Times

How America Can Test North Korea's True Intentions -- Bruce W. Bennett, National Interest

From peace icon to pariah: Aung San Suu Kyi's fall from grace -- Hannah Ellis-Petersen, The Guardian

China consulate attack: Why Pakistan's Baloch separatists are against Beijing -- Haroon Janjua (Islamabad) & Shamil Shams, DW

Ongoing Rohingya repatriation efforts are doomed to failure -- Nasir Uddin, Al Jazeera

What next for the Rohingya? -- Hannah Ellis-Petersen, The Guardian

Was Syria Different? Anticipating the Next Islamic State -- Daniel Byman, Lawfare

Are EU Troops on the Way? -- Carl Bildt, Project Syndicate

Who's Afraid of an EU 'Magnitsky Act'? -- Teri Schultz, Atlantic Council

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