Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 26, 2018

David A. Andelman, CNN: Paris demonstrations could put Macron's future in jeopardy

Paris (CNN)From our apartment window across the Seine, we could see the smoke rising from the Champs-Élysées, where flames of the burning barricades mingled with the fumes of the tear gas grenades. The demonstrators, wearing the trademark yellow vests that gave their movement its name -- the "gilets jaunes" -- were prying paving stones from the avenue to hurl at the riot police, clad in black from head to toe, with gas masks and tall plastic shields.

Paris was burning. France was in revolt.

It was a sharp contrast to the vast popular wave that swept President Emmanuel Macron into office with a stunning 66% of the vote over his right-wing challenger Marine Le Pen 18 months ago and gave his newly formed party an overwhelming plurality of 300 seats.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 26, 2018

Emmanuel Macron is toxic and Paris is burning -- Jonathan Miller, The Spectator

Putin seeks breakthrough for Syria at talks in Astana -- Sami Moubayed, Asia Times

Alleged Syria chemical attack: Is the Idlib deal in peril? -- AFP

Why Saudi Arabia Will Acquire Nuclear Weapons -- Paul R. Pillar, National Interest

The US is making a huge error in backing this spoiled Saudi princeling -- Dan Hannan, Washington Examiner

The Only Way to End the War in Yemen -- Jeffrey Feltman, Foreign Affairs

'Are we stronger now?' India marks 10 years since Mumbai attacks -- Priyanka Borpujari, Al Jazeera

Dancing in the dark for Trump and Xi at the G20 -- Gordon Watts, Asia Times

An Agenda for Resolving the US-China Conflict -- Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

What America Can Do to Avoid War in the South China Sea -- Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest

China Militarizes Its Influence in Africa -- Richard D. Fisher Jr., National Interest

IMF links Pakistan bailout talks to financial blacklist -- F.M. Shakil, Asia Times

After Nikki Haley, Will Anyone Stand Up to Russia? -- Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic

Eastern Europe Must Brace for the Next Crisis -- Roxana Voicu-Dorobanțu, Balkan Insight

Great Britain’s Options After Departing the European Union -- Steve Maguire, RCD

Canada: Liberals' fiscal update an exercise in self-congratulation — and in ignoring the gathering storm clouds -- John Ivison, National Post

Hard Power, Soft Power and the Stickiness of Kowtow Diplomacy -- Richard Herr, RCD/The Strategist

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