Henry Kissinger Voices The Need For China And The U.S. To Reveal Their Red Lines To Avoid Conflict

Chinese leader Zhou Enlai with Henry Kissinger in Beijing in 1971. Photo: AFP

SCMP: Henry Kissinger: China, US must reveal red lines to avoid conflict

* China’s continued growth means Washington and Beijing will inevitably “step on each others’ toes”, says American former secretary of state, 95
* But he is “optimistic” about US-China ties, saying problems can be worked through if each side is clear about the concessions they are willing to make

Speak openly to each other about your red lines and the concessions you are willing to make to avoid conflict.

That was Henry Kissinger’s advice to feuding world powers on Tuesday, as he warned Washington and Beijing an all-out conflict between them would destroy the current world order.

Speaking at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore, the American former secretary of state, 95, who is widely respected for his prescient views on geopolitics, said it was inevitable that the world’s two biggest economies would “step on each others’ toes” as the Asian power continued to grow rapidly.

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WNU Editor: I do not walk with the people that Henry Kissinger walks with, but the people that I know in China tell me that China is not interested in compromise and/or telling the U.S. on what are China's limits. To the Chinese .... at least the China of today .... there are no limits.

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