Chaff From Military Plane Responsible For Mysterious Blob On Weather Radar

ABC News: Chaff from military plane likely caused mysterious blip in weather radar: Reports

Meteorologists may have discovered what caused a mysterious blip in the weather radar in Illinois and Kentucky earlier this week.

On Monday afternoon, large blips that would usually indicate stormy weather flashed across the radar maps showing southern Illinois and western Kentucky, but there was neither a storm system nor a raindrop in sight, according to the National Weather Service, which described the radar at the time as "interesting."

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WNU Editor: It appears they are doing this exercise in other states .... Now Massive Plumes Of Chaff Are Lighting Up Radar Over Maine and Florida Too (Warzone/The Drive).

More News On Chaff From Military Plane Being Responsible For A Mysterious Blob On Weather Radar

A West Virginia Air Guard C-130H Was Responsible For Massive Chaff Cloud Over Midwest -- Warzone/The Drive
Mystery of the strange blob that appeared on weather radar on a clear day is solved -- Daily Mail
A strange radar blip crawled over southern Illinois for 10 hours. What was it? -- Washington Post

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