If All Global Jihadists Were Under One Military Umbrella, They Would Be The 21rst Largest Army In The World

Jacob Siegel, Tablet: New Study Finds the Number of Islamic Militants Nearly Four Times Higher Today Than in 2001

Taking stock of the forever war

There as many as 230,000 Sunni Islamic militants operating across almost 70 countries today, almost quadrupling the number that were active on Sept. 11, 2001, according to a new study by Washington, D.C., based Center for Strategic and International Studies. The study’s findings were summarized in an article in Wednesday’s New York Times:

The researchers used multiple sources, including the University of Maryland’s global terrorism database and Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, to determine a range of high and low estimates. Overall, the report said, the total number of fighters this year—100,000 to 230,000—is down about 5 percent from a peak in 2016, but still far beyond the ranks in 2001—37,000 to 66,000.

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WNU Editor: The ranking of the world's armies is here .... 29 Largest Armies In The World (World Atlas), and this 230,000 number would rank it as #21 (before Saudi Arabia).

Hat tip Gateway Pundit.

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