
This is coolbert:

Some info courtesy of Sputnik  [controlled media outlet?] regarding the White Helmets. Self-described Syrian civil defense workers independent of the Syrian regime. As accused by the Russian  White Helmets in league with those adversaries of the despot Assad.

1. "Aleppo Chemical Attack May Be Work of White Helmets - Russian MoD (PHOTO, VIDEO)"

"Moscow and Damascus have repeatedly accused the White Helmets NGO of staging a number of provocations in Syria involving chemical weapons attacks to influence public opinion and provide foreign powers with a justification for interventions in the Arab country."

2. "White Helmets Stage Attacks to Give Pretext to US to Attack Syria – Prof"

"Haaretz reported that Turkey has dispatched troops to Idlib, Syria to reinforce its presence in the province. The reinforcements come despite the Turkish defense minister’s recent warnings against a military solution."

White Helmets the allegation of staged FALSE FLAG chemical attacks quite common in controlled [?] Russian media outlets such as Sputnik, Russian Times, etc. Assad not guilty as charged by the White Helmets?

A devoted reader to the blog has a better handle on the situation with the White Helmets? I am at a loss. Secret services of the various interventionist nations involved in the Syrian Civil War knew the correct answer to the FALSE FLAG accusations?


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