
This is coolbert:

As is the subject of a You Tube video the exploding sniper round as used by the German [Soviet also] during the Second World War [WW2]:


* My understanding has been that exploding rounds of this small caliber are outlawed by the St. Petersburg Declaration of 1868. The Hague Convention of 1899 outlawed expanding rounds [dum-dum bullets].

* Snipers of the era [Second World War] not even needing an exploding round anyhow. Most personnel their duty as a dedicated sniper meant an individual with extraordinary marksmanship skills. Enemy in almost cases vanquished by a head shot or a round to the center-line vitals of the body. Exploding round not needed for additional lethality.

* This exploding round will not detonate anyhow when striking soft tissue? Use as an anti-personnel round very limited if not almost non-existent in that regard.

* Modern exploding .50 [12.7 mm] Raufoss Mk 211 ammunition versatile when employed against objects such as thin-skinned vehicles, the cockpit or jet engine or a warplane on the round, etc. It is suggested the Raufoss round when fired against personnel might be illegal if the target wearing body armor? And how exactly from a range of a thousand meters does the shooter know the enemy is wearing body armor?

* $15 USD a shot! More of a collectors item than a round you would fire, even if you intend to make an informative and dramatic video!


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