The Fascinating Story Of Army Colonel Robert Rheault

Rheault shortly after the end of the "Green Beret Case."

Task & Purpose: A Green Beret was the inspiration for Col. Kurtz in 'Apocalypse Now'

The Army's Special Forces command came down to one man during the Vietnam War. His job performance earned him the nod from screenwriter John Milius, who turned retired Army Colonel Robert Rheault's legacy into something more enduring than he ever imagined. He was immortalized forever by actor Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now.

Unlike Col. Kurtz, however, there was nothing insane or dark about Col. Rheault.

Robert Rheault grew up in a privileged New England family, went to West Point and later studied in Paris, at the Sorbonne. The young Army officer picked up a Silver Star for service in Korea, but it was his time in Vietnam that would change his career forever, devastating the man who only ever wanted the Army life.

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WNU Editor: These war stories never get old.

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