This Leaked Video Shows The F-35 Launching 5 Air-to-Surface Missiles Against 5 Test Targets

National Interest: A Must See: This Leaked Video Shows the F-35 in "Beast Mode"

A recently leaked video sheds light on one of the F-35’s possible weapons configurations, previously dubbed as “beast mode” in a Lockheed Martin infographic.

The video, dating back to November of 2018, depicts an F-35 simultaneously firing five air-to-surface missiles against five test targets. At least one of the targets-- a light vehicle-- can be seen moving.

Though it is presently unconfirmed where the trial took place and what kind of guided bomb was used, defense expert Ian D’Costa offered some clarifying insight to The Aviationist : “It’s an F-35 at NTTR (Nellis Test and Training Range), I could be wrong, but it [seems to be] dropping five Paveway IVs and hitting all five targets with GEOT (Good Effect On Target).”

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WNU Editor:As I mentioned in a prior post. It is good to see that they are progressing on making the F-35 into the platform that they had originally promised.

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