Michael Cohen Congressional Testimony On President Trump -- News Updates

Daily Mail: Cohen's devastating congressional statement revealed: Ex-attorney will show lawmakers $35,000 checks Trump AND Don Jr. signed to repay Stormy 'hush money' and will testify 'racist' president knew Roger Stone was plotting with WikiLeaks

* Michael Cohen's bombshell 20-page testimony accuses President Trump of being a racist, a conman and a cheat
* Trump's former lawyer will appear before the House Oversight Committee
* Describes being present for June 2016 conversation between Trump and Roger Stone where longtime adviser described illicit contact with WikiLeaks
* Claims he witnessed cryptic chat between president and Don Jr. that he believes is proof Trump knew about infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians
* Says Trump 'lied' about Moscow Trump Tower negotiations
* Trump responded that Cohen was 'lying in order to reduce his prison time'
* Cohen reveals $35,000 check Trump signed during his presidency as says was reimbursement for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal
* Second check signed by Donald Trump Jr. and Trump Organization's CFO
* Copies of three years of Trump financial statements furnished to Deutsche Bank, presumably to justify ability to repay major loans

Former longtime Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen will unload on his former boss in congressional testimony on Wednesday, bringing a pair of $35,000 checks he cashed as partial reimbursement of 'hush money' he paid to alleged Trump paramours Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

In a hotly anticipated hearing tainted by Cohen's own admission he has lied to Congress in the past, he will brand the president a 'racist,' a 'conman' and a 'cheat,' claim he heard Roger Stone tell then-candidate Trump about illicit campaign contacts with WikiLeaks and allege Donald trump Jr. secretly told his father ahead of time about an infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting attended by a Kremlin-tied Russian lawyer.

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WNU Editor: For the entire week the news media narrative was that Michael Cohen was going to disclose all the illegality that President Trump did after the winning the election. That is definitely not happening in today's testimony. As to what sticks out in his testimony so far. One .... he mentioned a few times that he has no evidence of Russian collusion. Two .... even if then candidate Trump knew that Wikileaks had DNC emails, so what. A lot of people knew that Wikileaks had something and numerous news agencies and web sites were reporting on it at the time .... including this one. And was then candidate Trump happy that all of this was going to be disclosed .... I am sure that it did. It exposed how the Democrat Party was under-cutting Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders. As to his claims that President Trump is a racist/conman/and cheat .... this is all that he has? So what is the point of this testimony today? With the Mueller report being released soon (and no evidence of Russian collusion or illegality being leaked), this is just a continuation of the narrative that Trump colluded with Russia. But lets face it .... if Michael Cohen had anything that was illegal, in his plea deal he would not be going to jail. Maybe Michael Cohen will disclose something later, but I doubt it. But what I do know is that this is all that the Democrats and never-Trumpers have, and it is falling flat big time, and will be ignored a week from now. On a side note. I have just learned that for the time in the history of the U.S. Congress, they have invited someone back to testify to Congress after being convicted of lying to Congress. That says a lot on what is happening right now.

Update: It appears that Michael Cohen has perjured himself in today's testimony. He is claiming that he did not want a major position in the Trump administration, but in his sentencing report from the Southern District it is being revealed that he did want and expected a senior position in the Trump administration. Hmmm .... this is not what I call a good witness.

Michael Cohen Congressional Testimony On President Trump -- News Updates

The full text of Michael Cohen's statement to Congress -- The Guardian
The Latest: Republicans attack Cohen as ‘pathological liar’ -- AP
Michael Cohen says Donald Trump knew of campaign's Russia link – live -- The Guardian
Michael Cohen Testimony: Live -- BBC
Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog -- FOX News
Live updates: Michael Cohen testimony before Congress -- NBC
Michael Cohen testifies before Congress: Live Updates -- CNN
Cohen sticks to Trump accusations, shaking off GOP criticism -- AP
Trump knew about email hack, Cohen tells Congress -- BBC
Main points from Michael Cohen's testimony about Trump -- AFP
Trump ex-lawyer has no proof of Russia collusion but 'suspicions' -- AFP

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