Pakistan Tests Nuke-Capable Missile (Video)

Sputnik: WATCH: Pakistan Tests Nuke-Capable Missile Designed to Beat Indian S-400s

Last month, Pakistan conducted two tests of its Nasr/Hatf-IX close-range ballistic missile. Pakistan boasts that the missile, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, can beat India’s best missile defense systems: the S-400s it recently bought from Russia. Designed for forward deployment, experts fear Nasr makes the use of nuclear weapons more likely.

Pakistan's military inducted the Nasr missile into its arsenal in 2017, Sputnik previously reported. The missile is described by the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media wing of Pakistan's military, as "a high precision, shoot and scoot weapon system with the ability of in-flight maneuverability," according to a January 24 press release.

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