The U.S. Navy Wants Heavily Armed Drone Boats

Textron Systems Unmanned Systems Common Unmanned Surface Vehicle (CUSV)

Warrior Maven: Navy Arms Unmanned Attack Drone Boats With Weapons, Guns & Missiles

The US Navy is beginning to arm surface drone boats with guns, rockets and mobile missiles to overwhelm enemies with swarming attacks, protect sailors at farther stand-off ranges and coordinate maritime strikes across dispersed areas of ocean.

The concept is to call upon newer levels of autonomy enabling weapons systems to search for enemies, track their movements and then target them -- all while humans perform command and control as safter ranges.

“We will be incorporating direct and indirect fire. We will be participating in a force protection exercise for the US Navy,” Wayne Prender, Senior Vice President of Applied Technology and Advanced Programs, Textron Systems, told Warrior Maven in an interview.

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WNU editor: The U.S. Navy also has other plans for their drone fleet .... Navy's Sea Hunter Drone Ship Has Sailed Autonomously To Hawaii And Back Amid Talk Of New Roles (War Zone/The Drive).

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