
This is coolbert:

Crisis between India and Pakistan not simply relegated to air strikes and air combat activity. Ground units also involved.

As reported by Russian controlled [?] sources.

1. "De-escalation delayed: India & Pakistan exchange shelling on Kashmir border, casualties reported"

"Just a day after an Indian pilot was freed from Pakistani captivity, offering hope for de-escalation, the two countries resumed shelling in Kashmir, killing a number of civilians on both sides, according to local authorities."

2. "Terrorists in India's Kashmir Kill 4 Soldiers, Gun Battle Still Raging - Reports"

"The encounter reportedly broke out at midnight after a joint team of the Indian army's 22 Rashtriya Rifle, 92 Battalion Central Reserve Police Force and local police launched an operation at Khanan Babagund in Langate, acting on a tip-off about the presence of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists in the area."

Dispute and conflict between Indian and Pakistan follows almost a set-piece routine? Incident, followed by retaliation and then counter-retaliation. Tension involving weapons fire between the two adversaries for a period followed by de-escalation and then relative calm. Almost a pantomime ritual but with deaths however.

Kashmir however remains divided as ever with hardly ever it seems any resolution to a seventy year old low-intensity war between two nuclear powers.


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