This Scientific Discovery Has Reshaped The Modern World Of Geopolitics To America’s Advantage – And Nobody Noticed

American Thinker: The most important scientific breakthrough you probably never heard of

If this post in Watts Up With That? is correct, an inadvertent, serendipitous scientific discovery is responsible for reshaping the modern world of geopolitics to America’s advantage – and nobody noticed.

Fracking is usually credited with being the critical technology for the reshaping to which I refer: the rather sudden conversion of the United Sates from a huge net energy importer to (currently) self-sufficient, and clearly heading toward a major net energy exporter. This is far more than a simple balance-of-trade issue, through that is very important. It even transcends the millions of jobs and economic prosperity that has blessed the United States. We and our allies are now almost free of the economic extortion of oil exporters, that started in 1973 with the first oil boycott, gas lines, and soaring prices.

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WNU Editor: Fascinating story .... if true. For more details on this "scientific discovery" go here .... How Perception of Fossil Fuel Futures Have Evolved (Watts Up With That?).

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