
This is coolbert:

"Clarifying to Moscow and everyone else that the United States will defend freedom of navigation and Ukrainian sovereignty in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov is no less important than doing so in the South China Sea."

Azov. Sea of Azov. An extension of the Black Sea. Bordering both Ukraine and Russia. Now a hot-button item. Access to the Sea as an international water-way.

Where World War Three potentially could begin? Seems strange doesn't it?

From the Russian controlled [?] media outlet TASS and the story by © Sergei Malgavko/TASS.

"NATO set to guarantee free passage of ships via Kerch Strait — US envoy"

"A package of measures will be approved during a two-day conference to begin in Washington on Wednesday [2 April]"

"WASHINGTON, April 3. /TASS/. NATO is set to guarantee the safe passage of ships via the Kerch Strait, connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and to step up aerial surveillance in the area, US envoy to NATO told foreign journalists on Tuesday."

From the American perspective and also as applicable to NATO issues access to the Sea of Azov through the Strait of Kerch a freedom of the seas issue.

See from additional sources articles the topic of which is the Sea of Azov and the importance of:

Nations constituent members of NATO [Bulgaria/Turkey/Romania] their borders contiguous to the Black Sea allowed to operate naval vessels on the Black Sea and by extension the Sea of Azov at all times. Other NATO nations only able to have an individual warship present within the confines of the Black Sea for a twenty-one day period max.

It does seem strange doesn't it? A place [Sea of Azov] 99.9 % of Americans have neither heard of or could point to on a map becomes in a very short order a matter of the highest geo-political importance.


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