U.S. House And Senate Committees Want Records Of Communications Between Mueller And DOJ (But For Different Reasons)

Photo: Wikimedia/The White House

Business Insider: The House Judiciary Committee requests records of communications between Mueller and DOJ following reports of a rift between the two

* House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has requested all records of communications between the Justice Department and the special counsel Robert Mueller's office regarding the final report in the Russia investigation.
* The request comes after multiple media outlets reported that members of Mueller's team are frustrated with the way Attorney General William Barr characterized their findings in a four-page letter he sent to Congress last month.
* Mueller's team also reportedly prepared summaries of their findings to release to the public and were perplexed Barr didn't use more of their material in his letter to Congress.
* Nadler asked Barr on Thursday to release all of the Mueller team's summaries to the public, writing, "If there is significant daylight between [Mueller's] account and yours, the American people should know that, too."

New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has requested all records of communications between the US Justice Department and the special counsel Robert Mueller's office about the final report in the Russia investigation.

Nadler specified that the committee was seeking communications "regarding the disclosure of the report to Congress, the disclosure of the report to the public, and those regarding your March 24 letter that purports to 'summarize the principal conclusions reached by the Special Counsel and the results of his investigation.'"

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WNU Editor: US House Democrats want these records because they believe in this recent New York Times report that members of the Mueller team are unhappy with the summary that was produced by Attorney General Barr .... New York Times Is Claiming That The Barr Summary Of The Mueller Report Is Incomplete (April 4, 2019). The problem with the New York Times report is that it is sourced by someone who heard something from someone who heard that some members of the Mueller Commission were unhappy. When a reporter's source is based on third hand opinions, I cannot help but believe this is fake news. As for the US senate demand, their request is more serious .... GOP senators alert Barr to allegations that Mueller team misrepresented emails (FOX News).

Hat tip to Robert for the above Business Insider report.

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