World News Briefs -- April 9, 2019

CNBC: Israeli voters head to the polls in one of the ‘most unsavory’ campaigns in country’s history

* Roughly 6.3 million Israeli voters are expected to cast their ballots today in an election that will have major implications for both Israelis and Palestinians.
* Incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces his toughest challenge yet after months of being dogged by corruption and bribery allegations.
* Top opposition candidate Benny Gantz, a former army general, leads a center-left coalition but is currently trailing in close polls.

Roughly 6.3 million Israelis are expected to cast their ballots today in an election that will have serious implications for the legacy of incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for Palestinians, and for Israel’s relationship with the rest of the Middle East.

Netanyahu faces his toughest challenge yet after months of being dogged by corruption and bribery allegations. His top competitor Benny Gantz, a former army general, who leads a center-left coalition. If Netanyahu wins — and polls are currently giving him a lead, though it remains close — the 69-year-old will become the longest-serving prime minister in the country’s history.

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Israel votes in pivotal elections. Polls open in high-stakes election in Israel.

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Iran's MPs don uniform of Revolutionary Guard in protest at US.

Germany to join UN monitoring mission in Yemen: reports.

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U.N. fears as many as 30 Rohingya killed in Myanmar assault.

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Libya: UN urges immediate halt to fighting.

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Four police, three civilians killed in bomb attack in North Sinai: ministry.


World economy facing delicate moment, IMF says.

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US threatens EU with new tariffs over Airbus subsidies.

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