Mountain Pass mine in California. Photograph: David Becker/Reuters
Tom Fish, Express: China news: Did China just issue threat about Earth's rare minerals CRUCIAL to US?
CHINA has threatened that products using its rare earth minerals should not be used against China’s development, in a warning aimed at the US tech industry.
Fears China will weaponise its rare earth minerals monopoly as a weapon in the trade war have again intensified. It comes after the Chinese government warned products made from the materials should not be used against the country’s development. And the comment has been interpreted as a thinly-veiled threat aimed at US tech giants reliant on the materials.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 29, 2019
If China cuts rare earth supplies, what can the US do? -- Stephen Bryen, Asia Times
US-China trade: what are rare-earth metals and what's the dispute? -- Kalyeena Makortoff, The Guardian
Are rare earth minerals China's trump card in its trade war with US? -- BBC News
href="">Why the fears of a U.S.-China tech cold war are overblown -- James Pethokoukis, The Week
Why Trump Dismissed North Korea's Missile Tests -- Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest
Will the US lead? Or let China and Russia dominate nuclear energy -- David Gattie, The Hill
Will Iran Adopt a 'Massive Retaliation' Doctrine? -- Abdolrasool Divsallar, LobeLog
Ankara has much to lose in high stakes Russian-backed offensive in Idlib -- Simon Waldman, The National
Africa's road to free trade -- Dirk Kaufmann, DW
Game of EU Thrones -- Harold James, Project Syndicate
EU Elections: Populist Wave in Europe Shows No Sign of Ebbing -- Rick Moran, PJ Media
Greece's Bad-Debt Monster Is Alive and Kicking -- Elisa Martinuzzi, Bloomberg View
Sebastian Kurz, the stone-faced chancellor -- Norbert Mappes-Niediek, DW
Is Trump now launching a currency war, too? -- William Pesek, Asia times
Did Mueller Just Hand Democrats What They Need to Impeach Trump? -- Hunter DeRensis, National Interest
Why Trump Dismissed North Korea's Missile Tests -- Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest
Will the US lead? Or let China and Russia dominate nuclear energy -- David Gattie, The Hill
Will Iran Adopt a 'Massive Retaliation' Doctrine? -- Abdolrasool Divsallar, LobeLog
Ankara has much to lose in high stakes Russian-backed offensive in Idlib -- Simon Waldman, The National
Africa's road to free trade -- Dirk Kaufmann, DW
Game of EU Thrones -- Harold James, Project Syndicate
EU Elections: Populist Wave in Europe Shows No Sign of Ebbing -- Rick Moran, PJ Media
Greece's Bad-Debt Monster Is Alive and Kicking -- Elisa Martinuzzi, Bloomberg View
Sebastian Kurz, the stone-faced chancellor -- Norbert Mappes-Niediek, DW
Is Trump now launching a currency war, too? -- William Pesek, Asia times
Did Mueller Just Hand Democrats What They Need to Impeach Trump? -- Hunter DeRensis, National Interest