This Is How Bad U.K. ambassador Kim Darroch's Leaked Email Chain Really Is

Emin Pasha, The Independent: I'm a United Nations diplomat. This is how bad the Kim Darroch leaked email chain really is

This will not be a civil servant seeking to illuminate a very difficult situation or to 'blow a whistle' — the dysfunction of Trump’s White House is clear. Someone is seeking to score political points.

Few things are more carefully choreographed than diplomatic meetings. Whether it’s a special kind of handshake or a deliberately frosty reception to condemn some sort of international meddling or perceived slight, the moves representatives make in front of the world press are intended to have consequences. A state visit, for example — like the one that US President Donald Trump recently embarked upon with the UK — will likely take months of preparations to get right. Being in the room for these preparations is exhilarating: the arguments, the counterarguments, the considerations about how often a smile should be deployed, whether or not a joke will land — everything is up for debate.

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WNU Editor: I agree with the above UN diplomat that these leaks are as bad as it can get, and they were clearly done to discredit UK ambassador Sir Kim Darroch. As to why? It is quite obvious that there were some (or someone) in the foreign office who felt that UK ambassador Sir Kim Darroch was partisan in his analysis of the Trump administration, and not giving the Foreign Office the intel and information that they needed to formulate strategies on how to conduct business with the White House. Hence the knives were out to get this 30 year career diplomat by one or more senior officials. As to what is my take on his memos .... Britain's Ambassador To The U.S. Says President Trump Is Inept And Dysfunctional (July 6, 2019). If what the Daily Mail published is true, I find his views are deeply biased and his analysis not helpful to his superiors. I expect this from a politically appointed Ambassador, not from a career diplomat. I also sense that there is more to this story than what has been told.

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