31 Agustus 2019
The RTA has received a first batch of Stryker ICVs from the United States, according to a 29 August announcement by the JUSMAGTHAI (photo : JUSMAGTHAI)
The United States has delivered a first batch of General
The RTA has received a first batch of Stryker ICVs from the United States, according to a 29 August announcement by the JUSMAGTHAI (photo : JUSMAGTHAI)
The United States has delivered a first batch of General
Dynamics Land Systems Stryker 8×8 infantry combat vehicles (ICVs) to the Royal Thai Army (RTA), the Joint US Military Advisory Group Thailand (JUSMAGTHAI) announced on 29 August on its Facebook page.
The advisory group also released images showing the ICVs at an undisclosed Thai airbase after being flown to the Southeast Asian country aboard a US Air Force C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft. The photographs also show Thai and US officials present at the handover, including US Navy Admiral Philip Davidson, the commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM).
The JUSMAGTHAI did not diclose how many vehicles were delivered but Jane's understands that up to 10 Strykers were part of the first batch, with more batches expected to follow, possibly in financial year 2020.
The advisory group also released images showing the ICVs at an undisclosed Thai airbase after being flown to the Southeast Asian country aboard a US Air Force C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft. The photographs also show Thai and US officials present at the handover, including US Navy Admiral Philip Davidson, the commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM).
The JUSMAGTHAI did not diclose how many vehicles were delivered but Jane's understands that up to 10 Strykers were part of the first batch, with more batches expected to follow, possibly in financial year 2020.