U.S. Democrats Fret On Their Choices For President

Jonathan Martin, New York Times: Anxious Democratic Establishment Asks, ‘Is There Anybody Else?’

WASHINGTON — When a half-dozen Democratic donors gathered at the Whitby Hotel in Manhattan last week, the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors liked. But as conversations among influential Democrats often go these days, the meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who was not in the race — but could be lured in.

Would Hillary Clinton get in, the contributors wondered, and how about Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor? One person even mused whether Michelle Obama would consider a late entry, according to two people who attended the event, which was hosted by the progressive group American Bridge.

It’s that time of the election season for Democrats.

“Since the last debate, just anecdotally, I’ve had five or six people ask me: ‘Is there anybody else?’” said Leah Daughtry, a longtime Democrat who has run two of the party’s recent conventions.

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WNU Editor: I expect the Democrats will be unified on who their choice for President will be when the primaries are over. The problem will be to convince everyone else that their choice is the best one, and that their policies should be implemented.

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