Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 21, 2019

Michael Safi, The Guardian: Iran's digital shutdown: other regimes 'will be watching closely'

Blackout is part of growing trend of governments shutting citizens off from the world

Access to the internet is gradually being restored in Iran after an unprecedented five-day shutdown that cut its population off from the rest of the world and suppressed news of the deadliest unrest since the country’s 1979 revolution.

The digital blackout that commenced last Friday is part of a growing trend of governments interfering with the internet to curb violent unrest, but also legitimate dissent.

The internet-freedom group Access Now recorded 75 internet outages in 2016, which more than doubled to 196 last year. “The tactic has been around for a while, but the rate at which it is being applied now is extremely alarming,” says Berhan Taye, of the UK-based organisation.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 21, 2019

Iran net outage first to effectively isolate a whole nation -- Frank Bajak, AP

A new Iranian revolution? -- Haxie Meyers-Belkin, France 24

Suddenly, Iran is Aflame With Protest -- New York Post

Using Iraq and Lebanon uprisings to attack Iran will lead to disaster -- Marco Carnelos, Middle East

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