Since Last Spring 20,000 Additional US Troops Have Been Deployed To The Mideast

Zero Hedge: 20,000 US Troops Have Surged Into Mideast Since Last Spring To 'Counter Iran'

The Associated Press reports a staggering surge of US troops into the Middle East since last Spring: "Over the past eight months, the United States has poured more than 20,000 additional troops into the Middle East to counter the escalating threat from Iran that peaked with the recent missile attack on American forces in Iraq."

This despite President Trump's multiple prior pledges to "bring the troops home" especially related to Syria and Iraq. Following the Soleimani assassination and subsequent Iranian ballistic missile retaliation on Ayn al-Assad airbase, where Friday it was reported that 34 soldiers suffered traumatic brain injuries (a dramatically increased figure up from the prior 11), this trend in force build-up looks to continue. Here's breakdown of the staggering numbers via the AP:

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WNU Editor: It looks like these troops are going to stay in the Mideast for a long time .... US Central Command general says troop surge in Middle East may not end soon (Military Times/AP).

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